• Fendy Kurniawan Akademi Pariwisata Stipary Yogyakarta
Keywords: Halal tourism application and mechanism


The halal tourism concept is a concept that integrates sharia values into tourism activities
by providing facilities and services in accordance with the sharia requirement, according
to the management of halal tourism facilities and that provide accommodations, food and
drink, travel agencies, spa at honest destination. The study aims to assess how to apply
halal tourism at the surakarta sharia hotel. To review halal placement mechanism at the
surakarta sharia hotel. To assess the problem in implementing honest halal tourism at
surakarta sharia hotel. The result of the study on the implementation of sharia principles
on the hotel sharia include products, services and management still in the process of
adaptation to current regulations. The mechanism of the sharia hotel must refer to the AlQur’an and hadist. Which means that the offers on the sharia hotel should be accompanied
by a mere presence in progress as well as in products and in the application of a legitimate
service. As for the four samples of the sharia hotel in Surakarta, it turn out that there are
still a number of hotels which have no complete data on how to maintain a clean certificate
(in process) that still hasn’t fully applied clarity. However is the start of a good progress to
avoid the continued prosperity of the society, so that Muslem people with a good enough
level of faith, are grateful for the offers by the sharia hotel. For it can be a place of
comfort and a gift of rest. The application of the sharia hotel in Surakarta has been
applied to a process of integrating homelitical values into all aspects of the hotel's
activities, the value of islamic strategy is a cherished of Muslem belief and belief are the
basic for building hotel activities
